Medicinal uses of Arukambul powder


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Medicinal uses of Arukambul powder

As it is the rainy season, there is no shortage of arugula. Not to mention rural areas too.

So much more and more easily available. This herb has many health benefits for the body.

Let’s see what they are in this post. The post is a bit long but still useful. So read without hesitation.

Benefits of the powder:

It is a type of grass that can grow in all types of soil.

This sawgrass has narrow long leaves. Also has stems that can grow straight.

It is a type of grass that grows in fields, streams, and grasslands.

It is propagated by seeds and rhizomes.

Benefits of the powder:

Menstrual problems:

Drink one teaspoon of arugambul powder soaked in a glass of water every morning.

This cures menstrual problems, blood cancer, cough, stomach ache, joint pain etc. in women.


Drinking the powder in water can reduce skin allergies and nervousness.

Flatulence disorder:

People suffering from flatulence can get relief from flatulence by drinking amaranth juice on an empty stomach.

It also cools the body by isolating body heat and soothing intestinal ulcers.


For early stage cancer morning and evening half an hour before meal,

Eating one teaspoon of arugula powder with half a teaspoon of butter cures early cancer.

Heart disease:

People suffering from blood stasis can take Arukambul powder in hot water.

Kapha Vada Pittam:

Mix Arukambul powder with water and drink it to prevent kapha. Kapha Vada Pittam helps to balance these three.

For vata should be eaten along with pepper powder along with arugambul powder. Ginger should be eaten along with arugambul powder for bile.

For kapha, arugambul podi should be eaten with tippili podi.

Skin problem:

For rash, scabies, scabies, insect bites, scorpions, buran bites, mix fifty grams of amaranth powder and fifty grams of marigold powder and keep it.

All skin problems will be cured by eating it in the morning and evening.

White discharge:

For white spots in women, mix fifty grams of mustard powder with fifty grams of mustard powder.

Drink it every morning, evening, half an hour before meals, put a tablespoon of powder in a glass of water and drink it.

By drinking this, the white spot will eventually heal.

Persistent cough:

Add a small amount of arugambul tulsi for persistent cold cough in children

Soak it in a little water and give it to children in the morning to cure colds and coughs.

Body Heat:

Mix all the three together like arugambul powder, kasturi turmeric powder and green gram.

Body heat, rash, scabies, allergies, itching, all get cured by bathing with the mixed powder.

Unwanted fat:

By consuming Arukambul powder in the morning and evening, it reduces the unwanted water and fat in the body.

Swelling of hands and feet and near grass is good for eating.

Feeling of hunger:

Some people do not feel hungry no matter how much they eat. They tend to eat more frequently.

It is enough for them to drink Arukampul juice daily to control the feeling of excessive hunger.

Bone strength:

Nutrients like magnesium and calcium are very essential for bone strength.

Both of these are abundant in sawdust. So those who drink arukampul juice in the morning will have strong bones.

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