Educational wealth is essential!


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Educational wealth is essential!

Educational wealth

Educational wealth is essential for this social progress and social change.

There is nothing better in one’s life than the money one gets if one gets a better education.

In this situation, Samudra Devi, a Sinha Tamilachi from Alandur in Kanchipuram district, has made it her job to bring education wherever education is scarce.

“It was my father’s guidance that first inspired me to engage in this kind of activity.

The journey that started then continues even today. Everyone has a lot of problems these days.

If you see how to solve all that, education is the only way. If only education is available to everyone, their search and understanding of this life will happen.

After that let them take care of life for themselves.

This is one reason why every parent seems to think that their children should study well.

It was this education that gave me confidence during my studies and helped me take it to the next level.

I started to think that the education we got was the same for everyone.

It was from that thought that the journey to the search for education began to flow within me.

The thought that this life is for anyone is better than for us. People who have those thoughts will easily break the obstacles and achieve their goals.

Because those paths are always for them.

In addition, when I worked as a teacher in the past, I got the opportunity to get close to the students.

Through those opportunities we were able to understand where students in all kinds of situations are being denied education and what their needs are.

Starting to talk to everyone and meet needs, the journey turned into a long journey.

No matter how much money you give, it is enough to give someone proper education.

Everything else will find them. I fully believe this.

In that journey, I have visited many villages that do not have basic facilities.

All the Basangas in the village take care of the housework and study well.

At the same time, I have seen people who are unable to study and go to work due to family circumstances.

As far as city life is concerned, private school students can only focus on their studies.

Let them go to school and go for tuition. Since they are not forced to do housework, they can spend more time only studying.

At the same time, the time available for studying is very less for the students in the village. Because they are forced to work not only for study but also for income.

I thought that those children should get full time education. The first step was that I started talking to the villagers who did not have basic facilities.

“I created awareness about the benefits of educational wealth and the benefits of education,” he said.

“When doing an action, it should be observed that it reaches them completely. I should not be indifferent that I am doing my best.

Parents who wonder if daily education is possible for their child, understand its importance. Today, if I go to the village, all the children come running saying ‘Mother has come’.

When they say, ‘We are studying well… we don’t go to work, where are we at home when we were told to study full time?’

I alone cannot accomplish this task. My friends also helped me. This is the success of our joint effort.

The idea of helping others in life was present at a young age.

We should not delay such good thoughts that arise in our mind and make efforts for it. Its first attempt was to adopt children and give them education.

Later in 2009 I started an organization named Dr.M.G.M.Edu & Char Trust in the memory of my father. So far I have helped more than hundred children in education.

I will be there for those who are denied education. It has been able to take education to the next level by providing not only education but also basic facilities to the parents of the children.

This allows us to see other hidden talents in them. Basangas here have many talents like gymnastics, football, cricket, music and dance.

If they get a chance, make sure they succeed. We are also providing help for that.

We also provide essential facilities to them during natural calamities.

If the education of children is on one side, on the other side we have also taken up the development of women.


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