“B” vitamins – dietary secrets


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“B” vitamins – dietary secrets

"B" vitamins

“B” vitamins are water soluble vitamins.

Vitamin “C” is not a single vitamin or vitamins but is considered to be a complex of many small chemical molecules.


Classification of “B” vitamins


1. Thiamine (B1) – Thiamine, Thiamine Monophosphate, Thiamine Pyrophosphate
2. Riboflavin (B2) – riboflavin, flavin mononucleotide, flavin adenine dinucleotide
3. Niacin (B 3) – Nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, nicotinuric acid
4. Pantothenic acid (B 5) – pantothenic acid, panthanol, pantathene
5. Pyridoxine (B 6) – pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, pyridoxine, pyridoxol phosphate, pyridoxamine phosphate, pyridoxine phosphate
6. Biotin ( B 7) – Biotin
7. Bolic Acid (B 9) – Bolic Acid, Polynic Acid, Methyl Tetrahydrofolate
8. Cyanocobalamin (B12)-cyanocobalamin, hydrocobalamin, methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin.


Physiological Functions of “B” Vitamins


1. Thiamin (B 1) – Helps convert carbohydrates found in grains and fruits into energy (calories) needed by the body’s organs (especially the brain and nervous system).

Also, they are essential micronutrients for muscle movement and also transmission of nerve impulses.

2. Riboflavin (B2) – Riboflavin acts as a precursor to coenzymes, which assist enzymes that are essential for the chemical reactions and also other metabolic functions of cells in the body.

These co-enzymes play a vital role in cell growth, energy production, conversion of fatty acids into small molecules, and also transport of drugs into the blood stream to reach the organs.

3. Niacin (B3) – Although the main function of niacin is to convert dietary carbohydrates into simple glucose, it also supports the functioning of the nervous system and also the metabolism of fats and proteins.

Along with this, it helps with reproductive functions and then the production of hormones needed to control stress.


4. Pantothenic Acid (B5)

– Pantothenic acid is essential for the production of energy required by the body and for converting other “B” vitamins into active form in the body.

Also acts as a cure for hand and foot irritation, allergies, hair loss, fungal infections, eye diseases, certain types of respiratory problems, tremors etc.

5. Pyridoxine (B 6) – Assists in the chemical reactions that make food-derived nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats available to the body.

It is an essential nutrient for the production of neurotransmitters and the production of red blood cells.

6. Biotin (B7) –

Being an essential vitamin for maintaining the body’s immunity, it protects against skin diseases such as autoimmune diseases, psoriasis and scabies.

Also, it helps in the functioning of amino acids necessary for the formation and structure of hair, nails, etc.

7. Fake; Acid (B 9) – In addition to making energy from food, this “B” vitamin has a few other very important functions.

The reason is that a person’s developmental stage from childhood to old age provides the necessary nutrients for the formation of DNA and RNA, the genes that carry the messages for diseases and heredity.

Apart from this, it also plays a very important role in preventing spina bifida in the unborn child due to developmental defects during pregnancy.

8. Cyanocobalamin (B12) – An essential nutrient for DNA and the production of red blood cells from the bone marrow.

Also, it protects the cell structure called neuron, the basic unit of the brain, and performs the very important task of regulating and maintaining their functions.

This prevents memory loss or dementia in old age (Alzheimer, Dementia).


Required amount of “B” vitamins


Since “B” vitamins are water soluble, it is necessary to have recommended amounts in the daily diet.

Their daily requirement can be met by eating natural nuts, greens, fruits, whole grains and then unprocessed non-vegetarian foods.

Vitamins for children and middle aged pregnant and also lactating mothers Vitamins for children and pregnant and middle aged lactating mothers.


Who are “B” vitamin supplements prescribed for?


Eating foods rich in “B” vitamins in the recommended amount in the daily diet will provide the body with “B” vitamins for one day.

However, “B” vitamins are essential for pregnant mothers, those who avoid non-vegetarian food, those who have undergone intestinal and gastric surgery to reduce obesity, alcoholics, AIDS patients etc.

As there is less in the body and also absorption from food may not be sufficient, it is prescribed by drugs.



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