Vitamin C protects bones


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Vitamin C protects bones

Vitamin C protects bones

The chemical name of water soluble vitamin “C” is “ascorbic acid”. It is “hexuronic acid” and “anticarbutic” nutrient.

In 1747, British physician James Lynd observed that sailors and passengers on cruises had symptoms of “scurvy,” which affected 2 million sailors.

After trying six different treatments, he found that oranges and lemons worked best.

Following this, in 1928, Albert St. George named a substance extracted from the adrenal gland as “hexuronic acid”.

Then Charles Gillen King made vitamin “C” in the laboratory and confirmed that hexuronic acid and vitamin C are the same.


Functions of Vitamin “C”.


Vitamin “C” is not superfluous if it performs the most important functions of the body.

Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen, a protein that binds the body’s cells and tissues together.

Apart from this, vitamin “C” is the raw material for the formation of bones, teeth, small soft bone membranes, skin etc.


Since iron and calcium are necessary for the biochemical changes that occur during the production of collagen, vitamin “C” also performs the task of providing them to the body by absorbing and retaining them in sufficient quantity.

Vitamin “C” is essential for the flexibility and strength of the blood vessels especially the blood vessels of the heart.

Vitamin “C” is to produce the nitrogenous substance called “carnitine” which helps the fatty acids to provide calories or energy needed for the movement of the body and the functions of the organs.

The need for vitamin “C” is very necessary for the production of “norepinephrine”, a biochemical secreted in the brain, and for converting many hormones including calcitocin, oxytocin, and thyrotropin into action.

Vitamin “C” is essential for the proper functioning of therapeutic drugs and for the natural immunity that protects the body from external factors.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 80 mg for middle-aged men and 65 mg for women.

An additional 15 mg of vitamin “C” is for pregnant women and an additional 50 mg of vitamin “C” for lactating mothers.

A newborn baby needs 20 mg of vitamin “C” up to six months and 30 mg up to one year of age.

A breastfed baby up to one year of age does not usually become deficient in Vitamin C because of the adequate supply of this nutrient in breast milk.


Causes of vitamin “C” deficiency


Since vitamin “C” is a water-soluble nutrient and cannot be produced and stored by the body, it must be taken by the body through daily food.

If the daily diet is not rich in vitamin “C” foods, there will definitely be a deficiency.

This is the most common reason. Apart from this, there are many more important reasons that can be mentioned.

The need for vitamin “C” increases during pregnancy and lactation. All types of fever, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, prolonged diarrhoea, surgery, heavy bleeding, cancer treatment and burns can cause vitamin “C” deficiency.

The need for this vitamin is also high for people who smoke regularly and drink alcohol. If they do not consume enough foods rich in vitamin “C” to meet this requirement, they are more likely to develop deficiency diseases.

Apart from these, lack of proper diet in old age, restriction of vitamin “C” in intestinal diseases, mental retardation, vitamin “C”-rich nuts and fruits, and vitamin “C” deficiency also occur in people who do not take a balanced diet.


Vitamin “C” Deficiency


The disease caused by vitamin “C” deficiency is “scurvy”. The initial symptoms of this disease, which causes bleeding on the sides of the mouth and gums, are red patches on the skin, pain in the muscles and joints, fatigue, and a feeling of always being weak.

If these minor symptoms are not addressed, weight loss, palpitations, low blood pressure, delayed wound healing, skin lesions, dry skin and lips, hair loss, swollen and red gums, bleeding, frequent infections and health problems can become chronic symptoms or permanent problems.

The solution is to take vitamin “C” rich foods and take 6.5 – 10 mg of vitamin “C” as a quick treatment.

Vitamin “C” overload

Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating and indigestion are the most common symptoms of overdose.

Since vitamin “C” is water-soluble, once enough is absorbed by the body, the rest of the nutrient is excreted by the body.

For example, if a person takes 30-180 mg of vitamin “C” per day, his body will absorb 70-90% of it.

Perhaps if one takes more than 180 mg, the body will automatically absorb 50% less.

Because of this, excess of this vitamin does not occur as much.

The upper limit of vitamin “C” is 400 mg for a 3-year-old child and 1800 mg for an 18-year-old.

When this level increases, it can lead to kidney stones and other micronutrients such as vitamin B12 and copper deficiency.


Foods rich in vitamin “C”.


Fruits and nuts are rich in vitamin “C” in foods available in nature. Vitamin C protects bones

Especially in fruits, guava (212 mg), guava (600 mg), orange (30 mg), sour fruits such as lemon, chili pepper (137 mg) etc. are rich in Vitamin C.

Next to this is dark green leafy greens, collard greens (220 mg) green vegetables, papaya, potatoes, tomatoes etc.

As animals are capable of producing vitamin “C”, meat also contains this nutrient.

Apart from these, cereal foods and fruit juices has vitamin “C”.

However, vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods available in nature can provide the right amount of vitamin “C” and benefit the body forever.

During cooking, vitamin “C” is easily dissolved in water and destroyed by oxidation in the air, so by boiling fruits with less water and using that water without wasting, vitamin “C” is available to the body.

If you follow the processes of timely harvesting, crop protection, protection with less sunlight, eating fruits after cutting them, avoiding fruit juice, the majority of vitamin “C” in food can be directly available to the body. Vitamin C protects bones.

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