Traditional medicine for a happy pregnancy


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Traditional medicine for a happy pregnancy



Days are gone when conception was only considered a happy thing.

Whenever there is a doubt about this, “Are we pregnant? No, is it some other hormonal problem?” The confused mood has increased today.

Let’s know the traditional medicine for a happy pregnancy.


Primary symptom


`Vomiting’ is an important sign to confirm delivery. Morning sickness and morning sickness in the first trimester are signs that the baby is growing well in the womb, but it can be a bit tiring for pregnant women.

Excessive vomiting during pregnancy can cause many other complications.

Five ml of Pomegranate Manabaga, an antidote to reduce the symptoms of vomiting and nausea.

quantity, can be mixed with a glass of water and consumed twice a day. Pomegranate Manapagu is a medicine made with pomegranate juice, honey and stone.


Traditional Mango and Pomegranate


Pomegranate is rich in vitamin C, which gives pregnant women good immunity.

Research results suggest that the antioxidant in pomegranate prevents damage to the placenta, which nourishes the fetus.

“Pomegranate also prevents damage to the developing baby’s brain in the womb,” says the journal Pediatric research. As it is rich in iron, it increases the level of ‘hemoglobin’ and it also limits anemia in pregnant women.

It also has antihypertensive properties, thus preventing high blood pressure during pregnancy. Pomegranate contains sufficient amount of fiber, which makes the stool easier to pass.

Pomegranate has a cooling effect and helps in reducing body heat during pregnancy.

The lines of Theraiya make it clear that pomegranate can reduce excessive thirst, watery mouth, heartburn, etc.


Neem powder


Due to its appetite stimulating properties, neem leaves relieves lethargy during pregnancy and improves digestion.

The iron content in neem leaves increases blood cells and makes more prana gas available to body tissues.

It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, so the body gets fertilizer. neem leaves, which are rich in fiber, can help prevent constipation in pregnant women.

As research results published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology show that curry leaves have the power to control increased sugar levels, curry leaves powder can be consumed to keep blood sugar levels under control during pregnancy. Mix one gram in lukewarm water and drink.

Bananas are rich in folic acid and are also excellent laxatives. Pregnant women can eat bananas for instant energy. Consuming plenty of greens and ripe guava is essential to avoid constipation.

Vitamins and minerals packed in greens provide essential nutrients. Sathukudi is the best choice to rehydrate lost due to excessive vomiting.


Pains disappear…


To reduce the severity of back pain, arm and leg pains that are common to pregnant women, Uludu Balm, Pinda Balm, Gundrika Balm can be warmed moderately and applied to the painful areas.

Some of the asanas for a healthy delivery can be followed regularly with the doctor’s advice. By applying pinta balm lightly on the abdomen, the discolored skin will disappear quickly.

All medicines should be used as per doctor’s advice. If you choose a Siddha doctor along with an obstetrician and carry out integrated medicine, you are sure to have a hassle-free pregnancy.


Simple remedies for some symptoms


One or two doses of Eladi Soorana tablet can be taken to control indigestion and bloating in pregnant women.

Eladi tablet also prevents urinary irritation and urinary tract infections. Boil some cumin in water and drink it to cure food intolerance.

To increase immunity, five grams of Gooseberry Legium can be used once, and one tablet of Annapeti Centura twice a day can be used to cure iron deficiency.


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