Happy old age


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Happy old age

Happy old age


  • Create a new, much-needed challenge to create new motivation.
  • Hang out with young people and then you will get the same inspiration from them as you did at 25.
  • Always seek new things and then meet new people.
  • Always keep active Set a difficult goal and then move towards it calmly but determinedly.
  • Set yourself a new, much-needed challenge to create new motivation.
  • Choose beautiful clothes with taste and also dress smartly. Gray and bald at 50 is beauty.
  • Many of the world’s greatest achievers are 50+. Travel to new places and then new experiences with like-minded friends from time to time.
  • Have a conversation with a different person.. Undirected and interesting journeys will lead us to the school season and make us jump.
  • Find and read a lot of books by new modern thinkers. Find and read lots and lots of new things to feed your brain.
  • Enjoy comedy stories, events, and highlights. Smile and talk, make others laugh, and a circle of light will be fixed around you.
  • Exclude the enemies, consider the proud and the envious as a waste of time. Maintain mental health, physical health, walking, breathing, small asanas regularly.
  • Enjoy laughing and also having fun with your partner at least once a week.
    Pursue public service. Take interest in lake, pond, cleanliness, environment, greenery, social justice.
  • Appreciate everyone who shares in your pleasure. Keep in touch with them permanently.
  • Believe that the nobility of life has already come to you with absolute certainty.
  • Run away from whatever makes you unhappy.
  • Don’t get too angry with anyone. Do not scold son, daughter and especially daughter-in-law. Help those who are close to us first, then others, those who need help, in whatever way you can. You will enjoy yourself anew in their thanks.
  • Don’t humiliate yourself by comparing your life with others.
  • Compulsory walking for 10 to 30 minutes every day. Go with a smiling face as you go.
  • It is always the second part, rather than the first part, that plays a greater role in determining the meaning of our lived lives.
  • No matter what mood you are in, take a good shower and dress in clean clothes. Do at least one small deed to help someone else daily.
  • Don’t forget the recliners, they will let you lie down next to them. Play and spend time with the babies. It will keep you excited.
  • Sit quietly with eyes closed without any thoughts for at least 10 minutes every day.
    Always make sure that the qualities of kindness, enthusiasm, encouragement and mercy are filled in the mind.
  • After the brain, mind and also body are arranged to function properly, what problem is going to occur in health? If you do the above things properly then you don’t need to worry about health even at 50+.. You can have happy old age.


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