Prevention & Solution for Insomnia


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As important as health is to the human body, so is sleep.

But, as far as India is concerned, medical studies say that about 30% of people suffer from insomnia at night.

More recently, many studies have shown that young people and middle-aged people suffer from insomnia more and more.

Studies also suggest that if this situation continues, they will face major problems in the future.


Let’s see the effects of lack of sleep:


Generally, we all think of sleep as rest.

But that is not the reality. Sleep is very important for our body development. Growth hormones are secreted at night when we sleep well.




It is for this reason that we are advised to get 6-8 hours of sleep.

This is why, even if one night you don’t sleep well, the next morning you get headache, teary eyes, restlessness, anger, distraction at work etc.

One’s diet and lifestyle are the main cause of this insomnia.

Lack of proper physical activity can affect sleep. Also, due to stress and anxiety due to thinking about something in the mind, sleeplessness occurs.

Similarly, watching TV and mobile phone for a long time at night, eating too much at night, taking too much salty food can also cause insomnia due to indigestion, stomach acid etc.


How to know if you have an insomnia disorder:


Insomnia varies from person to person. For some people, after 4-5 hours of good deep sleep, they feel refreshed the next day. For some people, 7 hours of sleep is enough. They have no problem with sleep. It is, for some
Even if you get 6 hours of sleep or 9 hours for some people, it seems like you need a little more sleep.

Only they have insomnia problem. So how well you sleep depends on how you feel after you wake up, how quickly you fall asleep, and how deep and undisturbed you are in deep sleep.


Let’s see what are the effects of lack of sleep:


When sleep problems are left untreated, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, weight gain, and the endocrine system of the body are affected.

This causes damage to the endocrine glands in our body and causes skin diseases.

Body waste increases. Lack of sleep can cause car accidents. Also, other health problems like stroke can occur. Menstrual cycle and hormone secretion may be affected in women. So, everyone needs enough sleep.


Effects of sleep deprivation on children:

In today’s age, children often lose sleep and get engrossed in their cell phones at night.

They also suffer from sleep deprivation due to the light and radiation emitted from smartphones, televisions and laptops they use. As a result, many researchers say that children are more likely to have memory and attention deficits.


Types of Insomnia:

Although insomnia criteria vary, it is clearly classified. There are three types of insomnia: transient, acute, and chronic.

These can be termed as mild insomnia, mild/severe insomnia and total insomnia respectively.


Severe insomnia:

In this condition a person is unable to get good sleep continuously for three weeks to six months. It is usually a curable condition.

Chronic/Prolonged Insomnia: Lasts for years. It can be the primary disorder or it can be caused by another disorder. Its effects are different from its root cause.

Insomnia, muscle weakness, stress, depression are caused by this; But many sufferers of chronic insomnia also appear more alert.

Some people living with this disorder experience events as if they are happening in slow motion. Moving objects appear to blend in with their surroundings. As a result, the scenes appear as both.


Daytime sleepiness:

Some people sleep during the day as they do not get sleep at night. Usually after having lunch, sleep for half an hour to three quarter hours.

But if that sleep continues for 2 to 3 hours, it affects night sleep. Therefore, you should avoid sleeping for a long time during the day.


To get rid of insomnia:

The bedroom should be quiet and dark. Do physical exercises for at least 30 minutes every morning or evening.

After dinner take some time to practice walking. Take a moderate meal at least two hours before going to sleep.

Avoid tea, coffee etc. after 5 pm. You should completely avoid watching TV and mobile phone for a long time at night.

Also, if you realize the need for sleep and practice yoga, meditation, walking etc., deep sleep is possible.


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